Mar 15, 2019
Hey everyone thanks for coming back for your weekly dose of this mentally delicious brain candy. It's low in calories but satisfying AF........... As Floss OK!
This week Sandy Lee and I discuss the real possibility of Zombies/Zombie Apocalypse and how to prepare for it.
We go over some thought provoking "What If"...
Feb 15, 2019
This week we interview Ms. Katrina Sanders Speaker, Dental Hygieneist and Sommelier. We dive deep into serial killers and discuss which celebrities could be successful at SK'ing
Thanks for listening, you can call or text our OYF Hotline @256-743-5677 or email us comments @
We appreciate your...
Feb 1, 2019
We finally have our first official interview with the Founder and CEO of Smiles at Sea, Mr. Elijah Desmond. You've heard us talk him about him before. He is a friend and the reason Sandy and I do this this podcast, so you all can blame him. This was a fun and interesting interview.
Thanks again everyone for listening....
Jan 25, 2019
During this episode we discuss Airline mishaps, more Battle Ship, Chivalry and the Gillette commercial, Martial arts and the fact that Ninja don't cry and we have an entertaining phone call with a fellow Dental Hygienist, Charlotte.
We want to thank everyone for listening, please subscribe on iTunes , Google Play...
Jan 11, 2019
The results are in and sadly we did not finish in the top 4 positions for Best Dental Podcast of 2018. It's all good though, we made a strong showing and were only active for 2 months, there is always next year. Congratulations to the winners, Nifty Thrifty Dentists, A Tale of Two Hygienists, Delivering Wow, and Fee...