Mar 20, 2020
Hi everyone, We want to start this episode by telling you all how much we really appreciate you taking the time to listen and or watch us every week.
Times are tough right now. Corona is out there acting crazy and trying to take people out. Is it as bad as the news says? I don't know, but it's times like these when we have to assess what's really important and take care of those around us. Life is heavy sometimes and now we have to contend with our businesses closing and money not coming in, etc... This will pass, we have to just stay positive and healthy.
It's actually a great time to get caught up on past episodes of OYF, your can see us on YouTube from episode 59 onward. Please Like, Share and Subscribe.
Don't forget Sandy and I do an amazing 3 hour CE course for the whole team, on customer service and and team building, you'll learn, laugh and cry, your staff will love it! Message us for more information on FB or email at
Also the Dental Mental Network website is up and running please check it out and donate if you can. Dental Mental Network
** And Finally, I will be making my tv debut May 27, 10PM on Stand Up Nashville, (Circle Network) Here is the link, it is OTA, Over the air programming all you need is an antenna . Thanks for the support have a great weekend and Go Floss Yourselves Love, Carlos and Sandy Lee. Carlos Stand Up 3/27 @ 10 PM EST